How Can Common Core Be Implemented in Physical Education?
Common Core Standards & Physical Education (PE)
Common Core is set of national standards designed to create standard assessments for language arts and mathematics. It can be integrated in physical education at any grade level. Common Core in physical education can provide instruction, vocabulary words, practice counting and using multiples when keeping score, spell out words related to physical education, and apply physical education vocabulary through certain exercises.
When putting Common Core Standard together with Physical Education, it
should focus on social, psychomotor, and cognitive skills. Mathematics,
writing, and reading should be integrated into Physical Education
activities, as well. Common Core lessons in a physical education
program should be
simple and not too hard for the children, meaning physical education
should not force a link to a Common Core Standard.
There are numerous physical education skills that can support Common Core Standards. Some are putting bulletin boards up that can provide students with information about important vocabulary
words, such as health terms, names of muscle groups, and movement words,
to physical activity and nutrition articles. Health and Fitness Journals, you can have the students maintain their own health and fitness journals,
which can be used to track and record their fitness goals for the
entire year that they are in class. Supplemental materials are when you hand out materials to the students that provide additional
information regarding the sport or activity they are engaged in. Create a new game, you can split the kids into groups and have them write out the rules and directions for a new game.