Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog Post #6

What do you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capps?

From watching the videos between the conversations with Dr. Strange and Anthony Capps, I must say that they taught me a lot from watching every single of of them.  I really enjoyed seeing and gaining more knowledge about Project Based Learning.,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNFvp51PVzF7e-mIqJQxH3ltllIV3Q&ust=1425254230845904
In Project Based Learning Part 1: Experiences of a 3rd Grade Teacher and Project Based Learning Part 2: Experiences of a 3rd Grade Teacher , Anthony Capps gave me a really good understanding on what Project Based Learning was to him.  On his video, he gave a pretty good example of one of the projects he did in his classroom. It was when the students were assigned to write letters to the Congressmen about women fighting in open combat.  He did this for fun, but also for written, reading, and social studies skills.  To me, it seems like the students enjoyed themselves, as well as Anthony.
iCurio and Discovery Education are both online tools for the students.  One is an tool that allows students to search the internet safely and the other one lets the students put up a video that goes along with whatever they are searching.
From watching The Anthony- Strange List of Tips for Teachers Part 1 ,I learned that some teaching tips will be very useful for me in the near future.  Teaching can be a lot of work,  but it can also be exciting at the same time.  The most important tip is you have to have a true love of learning.

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